Home |
Eleanor's son, Howard Ahner's Art |
What is the meaning of the Gohonzon? |
And More Nobeoka |
Nobeoka And More |
Hospital Stuff: Ohayou! Good morning! |
Wagayahe Youkoso. Welcome to my home. |
Clo and Eleanor. Ojamashimashita. I'm afraid I have taken too much of your time. |
Mia - Pre-School Pics: Henji ga okurete moushiwake arimasen. Excuse me for not writing sooner. |
Fritz Ahner. Jikou Shoukai wo sasete kudasai. Allow me to introduce myself. |
Wildomar Ahner's Home |
From Lanai. Kono hito wa tomodachi no Eleanor desu. This is my friend, Eleanor. |
301 N. Bewley St. The Ahner Residence since 1958. |
Ed's Side. Kaikai itashimasu. We are opening. |
Akira. Hi no naka ni te wo ireru na! Don't put your hand in the flame. |
Clifford Blaine Ahner and Eleanor Akie Tamura Ahner |
Ed, Ed, Eleanor, Ed, Ed and Chester Ahner, Clifford Blaine Ahner's Cousin |
Granite City, Ellen Watanabe, Ed, Eleanor, Howard, Illinois 1956 or So? |
Ed, Ed, Ed, and June Chartrand, Granite City, Illinois about 1955 |
Ed Ahner and Sailor Cap, Tricycle, Playing in Granite City |
Christopher, Jennifer, Clarice and Ed Ahner |
Bewley Street Kitchen, Santa Ana, California with Howard and Eleanor Ahner |
Thelma Tsurue Kutsunai, Eleanor Akie Ahner's Sister |
Jenn, Aaron, Kayako, Bobbi in Nobeoka, Japan |
Everyone. Watashi wa anata ga suki desu. I love you. |
Aki, Arlen, Thelma, Pam, Tim...etc. Ganbatte kudasai. Good luck. |
Family Internet Links. Ogenki desu ka? How are you? |
English Teacher. Dozo Yoroshiku. Nice to meet you. |
Eleanor Akie Ahner. Kyuuji. Waiter. |
Keiko Ahner's Art Show in Santa Ana, California. Bansen. Platform. |
Heather Salzman. Touchaku. Arrival. |
The Last Detail at 301 N. Bewley St., Santa Ana, California 92703. Urahara. Opposite. |
English Teacher. Tsure ga imasu node. I'm with someone. |
Nobeoka Eikaiwa. Sumimasen ga, mo ikanakute wa narimasen. Excuse me. I have to go now. |
Obon August 13 through 14, 2008 |
Sa Zan Pia August 2008 |
Megano No Good, Nobeoka (Eyewear) yukigood@ymt.bbiq.jp |
New Howard Ahner Art August, 2008 |
Artist Ahner Howard 2008AuGust |

Chris, Ed, Jennifer, and Clo |

Nobeoka Marks in Time |
Reply to Lord Shijo Kingo |
Okubo Flowers, Nobeoka - April 20, 2006 |
Flower Howard, Nobeoka |
A-Happy-Angel-Always-With-You-by-Keiko-Ahner-Miyamar-California-2006.jpg |
Koi No Bori Festival, Kitaura by Mari Sasaki |
Tea Picking has begun with their special machines
in Kitaura! |
Tadpole Picking in Kawaminami Cho, Miyazaki Ken April
18, 2006 |
Waves by Nobeoka |
Nagahama View, Take Your Pick, Midorigaoka, Nobeoka |
Out of Nagahama, Nobeoka |
Nagahama Beach, Nobeoka, on a cloudy day...April 15,
2006 |
Midoriggaoka Trees, Nobeoka |
Nagahama Misty, Nobeoka |
A woman went to a doctor to see about her heart. He
asked her, "How old are you?" She replied, "We |
Mr. Kanemoto of the Hanshin Tigers made a new record!
He played in 904 consecutive games. (It's a |
Kenji Joujima is the 1st Japanese catcher to play
for the major leagues. He plays for the Mariners |
New North Miyazaki Karuta Cards ! (by Shigetoshi Ichimiya) |
How do you know what Town you are in in Nobeoka? |
Igata Sunset - April, 2006 |
Nobeoka Man |
English Teacher in Nobeoka from California Howard |
English Teacher in Nobeoka from California Howard Ahner Tel: 0982-34-5666 Email: ahner1@hotmail.com |
Eleanor Ahner |
Clarice Ahner |
Eleanor Akie Ahner |
Elsinore |
Howard Nobeoka Ahner |
Ahner Eikaiwa Nobeoka Tel: 0982-34-5666 |